The Montessori approach to education has a connectedness between all areas of the curriculum.
One area ties into another while the door is opened to a different, yet related component.
-Culture determines what we know– the sum of all the angles in a triangle; what a screw driver is
used for; how to use a computer to find out where Peloponnesians are.
-Culture determines what we don’t know– how to catch a fish by hand; how to build a dugout canoe
and navigate the Seas without chart or compass.
-Culture determines what we want to be– lawyer; dairy farmer; computer programmer; doctor;
shaman; pearl diver
It demonstrates that all people have the same fundamental needs and places an emphasis on the similarities among the human race. Children are taught to respect people from other races, countries, and religions. The geographical factors influence how people live as they adjust to their environment.
At this point, the teacher involves the class in a study of life and culture on earth. The curriculum then branches into different directions, such as: (a) geography, (b) culture ( mannerism of life ) , and (c) history. Children are taught history parallel to the concept of time. Discussions and further studies include paleontology and archaeology, and still further back through time to the beginning of time, or the creation of the universe. The cycle is complete.
Cultural Studies also introduces children to the physical world that surrounds them, providing them with the opportunity to explore real things, and learn the scientific names for plants and animals. Areas studied include geography, zoology, botany, physics, earth science and social studies.
These two special globes are used to introduce physical geography. The first is used to teach the idea of how land areas and water are represented on a Globe. Land is shown as rough brown area; water is smooth blue surface areas. The second introduces the seven continents. Each is shown in a distinct color. Children learn the names and location of each continent. The color code used on the Continent Globe is carried on with the Puzzle Map of the World and in early work in continent studies.
Puzzle Maps The large wooden puzzle maps are among the most popular activities in the classroom. The child can put each puzzle piece into place by means of a little knob on its flat, shiny surface. The introductory map of the world has a separate puzzle piece for each continent. After working with the world map, the child can do one of six puzzle maps of continents in which each country is represented by a separate puzzle piece. Finally, there is a map of the United States with a separate piece for each state.
Botany is introduced using beautiful sets of nature cards which illustrate in color such information as the parts of a tree, the parts of a leaf or the parts of a flower. The children match these illustrations with the corresponding names. Working with these cards helps the youngsters to become more observant of the characteristics of things which grow in their own environments. They frequently have plants, flowers, or vegetables growing in the classroom; or they bring in samples which they can coordinate with the illustrations on the cards
Students are introduced to the concept of living vs. nonliving early in the 3-year cycle. They are then introduced to the five vertebrate classes: mammal, amphibian, reptile, fish and bird. Throughout the three-year curriculum, there are opportunities to learn more about the animals that belong to each of these classes. In addition, students learn about the human skeleton using a life size model, and also study invertebrates. Whenever possible, teachers will produce a live exhibit to illustrate teaching in zoology.
Dr. Montessori’s rich science curriculum begins with hands-on experiences in the Primary classroom. There are items from nature displayed throughout the classroom, and students are invited to explore different kinds of rocks, shells, and other specimens. In addition, students may conduct small experiments to help them explore such concepts as “sink and float”, “living and nonliving” or “magnetic and nonmagnetic.” A constantly rotating curriculum also provides the opportunity for students to explore such areas as the solar system, volcanoes and the weather.
Geography is the study of the life of man, the way humans live, and the way of life that has been established by a human society to sustain life. It is the study of the features of the earth, and the cultures that were developed in the various parts of the world by human beings. The needs of man are universal, but the way these needs have been met, differ. So we have many different peoples around the world who live differently, who have adapted differently to what the world has offered them in different locations.