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Diploma in Civil Surveying Course in Rawalpindi

In whole of Pakistan 98% private and almost all the government institution are teaching out-dated course which is almost 30 years old which includes chain survey and plan table survey a student after completion of the course has to spend into 5 year of his life with a senior survey. Then he is able to coupe the modern age. Whereas in CNEX modern and updated standards of Europe and Middle East are met upon the latest equipment so they are able to easily pass test with in the country and also abroad and able to work efficiently in the field.

Importance Of Civil Surveying Course

After this course you will be able to get Civil Surveying Engineer job accross all the world.

Course Contents Diploma in Civil Surveying

  • 1. Observe personal and equipment safety at work.
  • 2. Use and maintain minor surveying tools and instrument.
  • 3. Carry out setting and adjustments of surveying instruments.
  • 4. Perform linear and angular measurements with precision using conventional as well as electronic instruments.
  • 5. Prepare topographical map of a locality by using conventional as well as Electronic instruments.
  • 6. Make profile and X- section leveling for road project and plotting the same.
  • 7. Set up contour plans of area.
  • 8. Establish the alignment of road, sewer line & pipe line and staking out
  • 9. Formation and invert levels respectively.
  • 10.Set out highway curves (simple, combine & vertical)
  • 11.Perform the layout of building structures, culvert and bridges by using conventional methods as well as electronic instruments.
  • 12.Create control points at project site and shift the bench mark.
  • 13.Compute the earth work volume from contours, spot levels and ground sections
Info: Weekend (Sat/Sunday) Classes also Available You can Also get Online Classes If you cant attend regular classes
Course Title Course Duration Course Timing Course Satus
Diploma in Civil Surveying 2 Months Monday - Friday


Course Videos

What is Civil Surveying
Most Important Skills for a Civil Engineer
Job Opportunities in Civil Engineering

Course Reviews

Muhammad Bilal Islamabad, Pakistan

"Great Course! Hamburger chuck spare ribs ball tip turducken turkey bresaola sausage pastrami frankfurter fatback rump corned beef. Alcatra pork pork chop short loin shankle."